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On April 29, East Alabama Medical Center (EAMC) began testing for antibodies against the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Since that time, clinical leaders from EAMC’s Laboratory department took time to explain these tests and how they will be used in our ongoing fight against COVID-19.

What is antibody testing, and how does it work?

“When you are exposed to a foreign pathogen, your body’s response is to produce antibodies which are proteins that bind to the foreign pathogen (virus),” explains Kathy Storey, EAMC’s Lab director. “This binding helps to deactivate the pathogen and clear it from your system so it does not attack other cells in your body. The COVID-19 antibody test helps to detect those antibodies.”

Can an antibody test diagnose a current COVID-19 infection?

“Antibody tests look for evidence in the bloodstream that you were exposed to COVID-19 in the past,” Storey says. “It will not diagnose a current infection."

I think I had COVID-19 in January when I tested negative for the flu. Will this test help me know if it was COVID?

Yes, this antibody test will let you know if you have had COVID-19, regardless of whether it was in April or January or any other time. Some people were sick with flu-like symptoms associated with COVID-19 in late 2019 or early 2020 and believe they had COVID-19 because they tested negative for the flu.

Why is this type of test beneficial?

“Testing for the IgG antibody may help your primary care physician determine if you have been infected with COVID-19,” Storey says. “This test does help determine immunity, but evidence on how long the immunity lasts is still unknown. Additionally, donated convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients is thought to potentially help patients who are fighting the disease. Once you have recovered (convalesced) from a given virus, those antibodies stick around for a certain period of time.”

Troy Thaxton, EAMC’s Chemistry department supervisor explains that because this test determines exposure, not immunity, certain precautions must be taken. “There is limited knowledge at this time on re-infection once you have antibodies in your system,” Thaxton notes. “You may test positive for COVID-19 antibodies, but that does not mean you should be careless and stop taking precautions such as social distancing. Also, a positive antibody test could mean that you have had a past infection with a non-Novel (or common) Coronavirus strain, such as the common cold virus. If someone becomes re-infected with the virus, they could continue to spread it if they do not take the necessary precautions. This test is not an ‘all clear,’ says Thaxton, noting that it is unknown right now if you can become re-infected with the virus in the future.

Who is a good candidate for this test?

“EAMC started testing frontline employees on April 29,” Storey says. “We are now testing the general public at the discretion of their physician. Good candidates are those who tested positive for COVID-19 and have recovered. If you have had signs and symptoms of COVID-19 in the past, but were not tested, you are also a candidate for this test.”

What’s the process for getting an antibody test?

A physician order will be required for individuals who believe they are a candidate for this test. Talk to your primary care physician if you believe you should be tested. The test is a simple blood test. Patients should take the Lab order from their physician to either Auburn Diagnostic Imaging (ADI) or to Lab Outreach (bldg. 22 at the Medical Arts Center in Opelika). Results from the test are available with 36 hours and are available on the EAMC Patient Portal or by contacting your primary care physician. The Lab cannot give out patient results without a written order from the physician.

Is antibody testing covered by insurance?

The antibody testing is covered by most insurance carriers, including Medicare. If a patient does not have insurance, a 45 percent discount off of the regular charge of $130 will be given, leaving a self-pay balance of $71.50.

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