EAMC Starts COVID Infusion Center
December 21, 2020
Chuck Beams
Until recently, people who tested positive for COVID-19 either recovered at home or required hospitalization. However, a third option started at East Alabama Medical Center (EAMC) in early December that allows patients to receive an outpatient infusion with the hopes of avoiding hospitalization.
“This treatment is aimed at high-risk patients who are more susceptible to hospitalization from COVID-19 symptoms,” says Chuck Beams, executive director of Pharmacy Services. “We’re very pleased with the results so far as only five patients out of 110 have still required hospitalization in the days following their infusion.”
These monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19 are available under an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA and include either Eli Lilly’s bamlanivimab or Regeneron’s casirivimab and imdevimab.
“The antibodies work to fight off the virus in a patient whose immune system may be weakened by chronic disease,” states Beams. “The key is treating people early in their illness. Once they are hospitalized, it’s too late for this particular treatment option.”
To qualify, patients must have tested positive for COVID-19 within three days and have started symptoms within seven days. Patients needing this treatment are identified by their personal physician or a physician in the Emergency Department, and are typically scheduled for treatment the next day. The treatments take place in EAMC’s COVID Infusion Center (CIC) which is located in a modular building that was set up on the Opelika campus specifically for this treatment.
The CIC is currently treating up to eight patients a day, seven days a week. Patients are scheduled for a three-hour block. The first 30 minutes allows for patient registration and set-up. The actual infusion lasts one hour and then each patient is monitored for one hour following their treatment.
“The patients we have treated so far are very grateful for this opportunity to receive these antibodies that have the ability to improve their COVID-19 condition and hopefully keep them from being hospitalized,” stated Lisa White, RN, director of Clinical Support. “It’s very rewarding for our staff to be providing this service to our community during this pandemic.”
Conditions associated with a high-risk COVID-19 patient:
Body Mass index (BMI) ≥35
≥65 years of age
Chronic kidney disease
Currently receiving immunosuppressive treatment
≥ 55 years of age AND one of the following
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/other chronic respiratory disease
COD10 AssetID
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