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Program Curriculum

Program Curriculum

Our curriculum is based around general internal medicine months, required selectives, and other electives. Every year, each resident must do an ambulatory medicine rotation and a critical care rotation. 

The selectives include 7 core internal medicine subspecialties: nephrology, cardiology, rheumatology, hematology/oncology, infectious disease, gastroenterology, and endocrinology. In addition, we require selectives in radiology, geriatrics, neurology, emergency medicine and quality improvement. A sample schedule is shown below. 

Every resident is different in their career goals, so this schedule is subject to change as far as sequence of required rotations. Electives are subject to change as well, but may include fields such as sleep medicine, outpatient psychiatry, women’s health and gynecology, sports medicine, and palliative care.


  • General IM – 6 months
  • Ambulatory IM – 1 month
  • Critical Care – 1 month
  • Geriatrics – 1 month
  • Neurology – 1 month
  • Radiology – 1 month
  • IM Selective (1) – 1 month


  • General IM – 3 months
  • Ambulatory IM – 1 month
  • Critical Care – 1 month
  • Emergency Medicine – 1 month
  • Quality Improvement – 1 month
  • IM Selectives (2-4) – 3 months
  • Electives – 2 months


  • General IM – 4 months
  • Ambulatory IM – 1 month
  • Critical Care – 1 month
  • IM Selectives (5-7) – 6 months
  • Electives – 3 months

Call Frequency

Residents should expect to work some nights and weekends when rotating on their general IM and emergency medicine rotations.