Contact a Patient

To call a patient:
At East Alabama Medical Center, if you know your patient’s room number, you may call him or her directly at 334-528-XXXX (room number). If you do not know the room number, you may call 334-749-3411 and an operator will assist you.
At EAMC-Lanier dial 334-710-0 (then the room number). If you do not know the room number, dial 334-756-9180 and press 4 for operator assistance.
To send a card to a patient:
To mail a card to a patient at East Alabama Medical Center, use the following address:
Patient’s Name
Room Number (if known)
c/o East Alabama Medical Center
2000 Pepperell Parkway
Opelika, AL 36801
Waiting Areas
There are specially designated lounge areas for visitors on each patient floor and on the main floor in the lobby. Specific waiting areas have been designated for families of patients in the critical care units, the Emergency Department and Surgery. During certain hours, volunteers are on duty in the surgery waiting room to keep family members informed about the progress of surgery.
Gifts for Patients
Visitors should check with the nurse before bringing gifts of food or drink for patients. In the critical care units (CVICU and ICU), certain types of gifts are restricted or not allowed, so be sure to check with a nurse on the unit.