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Supplemental Therapies

Supplemental Therapies
Physical, Occupational, Speech and Other Therapies

During the course of your treatment, your physician may order physical, occupational, speech or other therapies to aid in your recovery. Rehabilitation Services department at East Alabama Health, including our outpatient program, RehabWorks, has the staff and expertise to provide these therapies.

Lymphedema therapy

Lymphedema is most common in women after breast cancer treatment, including radiation, simple mastectomy, lumpectomy or radical mastectomy with removal of lymph nodes. It may also affect women and men who have been treated for other forms of cancer or who have suffered trauma to the lymph system. At East Alabama Health, we offer a program of education and care through RehabWorks to help you avoid lymphedema or keep it under control. For more information, call 334-528-1964.