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Emergency Care

Emergency Care

East Alabama Health has three emergency department locations.

East Alabama Medical Center

Our 28-bed, Level III Trauma Center is a progressive emergency department (ED) equipped with dedicated trauma, medical and cardiac rooms. It is staffed 24 hours a day with physician and nurse practitioner staff. The East Alabama Medical Center emergency department sees approximately 50,000 patients a year or roughly 135 patients a day.

Our ED utilizes the Emergency Severity (ESI) Level 5 Triage System. This triage system allows for a more detailed assessment of the patient via a triage nurse upon arrival. This triage system enables a more precise way of determining which patients have life-threatening injuries/illnesses and therefore who needs to receive immediate care first. Once patients are triaged and depending on bed availability lower acuity (ie: less sick patients) may have longer waits than sicker or the more injured patient. Other considerations for wait times may depend on if the illness or injury necessitates treatment by a MD or can be treated by one of our many experienced nurse practitioners.

We appreciate you entrusting your emergency care needs to our emergency department and we look forward to being able to provide high quality, compassionate and cost-effective health care.

East Alabama Medical Center Freestanding Emergency Department 

The East Alabama Medical Center Freestanding Emergency Department (FED) is located at Auburn Medical Pavilion in Auburn, Ala. This facility, which opened in June 2021, offers patients another option for emergency services in the area. Ambulance transport is available from the FED to East Alabama Medical Center if inpatient hospitalization is required.

  • 24-hour Emergency Services
  • Level 3 Trauma Center