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Screening & Diagnosis

Heart and Vascular Care

During an initial consultation with a cardiovascular specialist, you will most likely be recommended for some type of screening or diagnostic test. These test results along with examination of your medical history give your physician the information that is needed to provide you with a course of action.  

Heart screening allows physicians to detect and identify signs of heart problems. Catching conditions while they are in the early stages of developing can be the difference between needing a major procedure or more passive treatment.   

Types of Screening

Calcium Scoring

Calcium scoring is a non-invasive imaging test that uses computed tomography (CT) to detect and measure the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries. The test calculates a score based on the amount of calcified plaque found in the arteries, which can help determine a person's risk of developing heart disease.

Cardiac CT

An angiogram CT, or cardiac CT, is a medical imaging test that combines the use of X-rays and computer technology to produce detailed images of the blood vessels in the body.

Electrophysiological Tests

An electrophysiologist may use various tests to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart and diagnose arrhythmias. These tests can help the electrophysiologist determine the underlying cause of the arrhythmia and develop a treatment plan. 

Types of test conducted include the following:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Holter monitor
  • Event monitor
  • Electrophysiology study
  • Tilt table test

Echocardiograms are tests that use sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart. The picture is much more detailed than x-ray images and involves no radiation exposure.

Types of echocardiograms performed include:

  • Transesophageal echo  
  • Stress echo  
  • Dobutamine stress echo

We also perform nuclear stress testing. A nuclear stress test is a stress test that performed in combination with a nuclear imaging test, such as SPECT scan. These tests examine how your heart performs while undergoing physical activity, and may reveal issues that weren’t evident before.   

What if I am diagnosed with a heart problem after screening? 

After reviewing your medical history and results from any recommended tests, our team of cardiovascular physicians will determine if you have a heart condition. If you do, we will work with you to identify the best path toward a healthier heart.  

We recognize that each patient’s situation is unique, and some conditions need different treatments and procedures. While conditions may require surgery, some can often be addressed with non-invasive treatment methods. Whether a patient needs cardiac rehab, heart surgery or medicine to combat high cholesterol, we make it a priority to educate our patients on not only what it is we recommend, but why we recommend it.