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Inpatient Psychiatry

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The inpatient psychiatric department at East Alabama Medical Center provides a haven for patients in need of high-quality, compassionate psychiatric care. Our inpatient unit provides specialized, round-the-clock care, and serves patients of all ages.

Adult Psychiatry

Patients receive daily consultations and visits from their physicians. In addition to psychiatrists, other members of the treatment teams include recreational therapists, psychotherapists, psychiatric nurses, social workers and mental health associates. These members implement treatment plans and monitor patient progress toward treatment goals.

Patients receiving psychiatric treatment at EAMC participate in a wide range of group sessions and activities. Patients are also allowed to access their cell phones twice daily.

Group therapy sessions meet daily, as well as educational group session led by experienced mental health associates.

Occupational therapy group sessions take a holistic approach to mental health by focusing on the mind and body and meet six days a week. Sessions include relaxation strategies, meditation, exercise and education on health and wellness habits that can be carried over into the community by clients.

Adolescent Psychiatry

East Alabama Medical Center is home to the only long-term adolescent psychiatric facility in Alabama.

The adolescent unit, which serves patients from age 13-18, combines a child-friendly classroom for the younger group. Here youths are treated in an atmosphere conducive to their lifestyle. Classes are taught to keep the students on schedule with their regular schooling, and various games are played to help build individual and team skills.