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From teenagers to grandparents, and from homemakers to professional athletes, RehabWorks volunteers span a variety of ages and backgrounds. Our diverse group of volunteers has one thing in common, however, the desire to help children and adults live life to its fullest.

Sharing your gifts of time and talent

At RehabWorks, we are fortunate to have hundreds of dedicated volunteers who work regularly – from several hours a year to several hours a week – to help make the rehab experience a little less stressful for our pediatric and adult clients. And to ensure your volunteer experience is a great one, we help find the perfect role for each volunteer based on clinic need and your individual strengths and passions. Opportunities can range from planning and supervising play activities for pediatric patients and their siblings, to administrative support for our RehabWorks staff. We also can use people who are skilled in installing grab-bars and building ramps and railings, or other small fix-it projects.

How to Become a Volunteer

There’s a variety of ways to volunteer your time and expertise to help patients at RehabWorks. We appreciate your interest in the volunteer program. Before completing the application, please answer the following:

  • Can you make a commitment to volunteer for a minimum period of 3 months?
  • Can you volunteer on a regularly scheduled basis, ideally from 3-6 hours per week?
  • Can you attend a volunteer orientation and any additional trainings required for your assignment?
  • Can you successfully complete a background check if you are 18 years of age or older?
  • Can you provide a health clearance?

Volunteer application form

If you would like to apply to become a part of our volunteer program, please fill out our volunteer application form and submit it online.

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. The processing time once we receive your application can take from 2-4 weeks, depending on our ability to contact your references.

Once your application has been processed, we will contact you to arrange an appointment for a personal interview. At that time, we will discuss an assignment that will be fulfilling for you and meet the needs of our patients and their families. We appreciate your willingness to share your time, talents and energy at RehabWorks!

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