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In the Community

In the Community

Outreach and Education

The Spencer Cancer Center is involved in a number of cancer awareness activities and screenings in the community. Spencer Cancer Center staff and physicians take time to speak to community groups on various cancer-related topics, as well as to participate in numerous health fairs throughout the year. Additionally, East Alabama Health and the Spencer Cancer Center are involved every year in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life.


In October, to celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness, we co-sponsor the annual “Think Pink” breast cancer walk, which raises funds to provide mammograms and breast cancer treatment for medically underserved women in our community. The event, held at the Spencer Cancer Center, usually has several hundred participants. Throughout the month of October, the Spencer Cancer Center is involved in a number of breast cancer awareness activities in the community.

Help us Fight Cancer

East Alabama Health and the Spencer Cancer Center are committed to providing every woman with breast cancer screenings, regardless of their ability to pay. In 2005, the Spencer Cancer Center, along with the EAMC Foundation, initiated the Free Mammogram program. The program benefits women in our community with limited or no health insurance coverage, women who otherwise might not receive this potentially life-saving screening test. In addition to providing mammograms, the program provides follow-up care - including diagnostic mammograms, breast biopsies, transportation assistance, educational materials, bras and prosthetics – if a mammogram indicates cancer. The program is funded through community donations to the EAMC Foundation. For more information or to contribute to this program, visit the EAMC Foundation or call 334-528-5868.

In 2006, the Spencer Cancer Center and the EAMC Foundation started a program to provide free prostate-specific antigen tests (PSA) for the early detection of prostate cancer for men with limited or no health insurance coverage. We need your help to continue offering these screenings. Please visit the EAMC Foundation here to give. Your donations help improve the health – and lives – of those in our community.


Volunteers are valuable members of the team at the Spencer Cancer Center. They assist in various roles. Many are cancer survivors who can share their support and provide a sense of hope for those newly diagnosed.