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Day of Procedure

Day of Procedure

Maps for endoscopic procedures at East Alabama Medical Center.The East Alabama Health Endoscopy Department opens at 6:15 a.m., Monday – Friday. Patients are asked to arrive an hour and 15 minutes before their scheduled procedure time. This time is used to prepare you for your procedure. 

Patients should bring their insurance card and driver's license with them on the day of their procedure. Only two visitors are allowed per patient, and visitors must be 12 years of age or older.

Endoscopy patients enter the hospital through The Surgery Center, located near the back of the hospital (canopy 6). 

Click here to see a map of the parking/drop off location.

Important Information About the Ride Home

A family member or designated driver should stay with the patient during their time at the hospital (approximately 2-3 hours). After the procedure, you may experience temporary side effects which can include drowsiness, soreness and forgetfulness.

It is very important that you arrange for transportation home. The procedure cannot be performed if you do not have someone to drive you home. If your support person cannot stay with you during your procedure time, it is critical that they be available by phone and ready to pick you up for discharge within 10 minutes of receiving notice.  

After You Are Home

You should follow your doctor’s instructions concerning medication and rest. An instruction sheet will be sent home with you, outlining things to watch for and any special instructions. If you have any problems, you should contact your physician.


You may park in The Surgery Center parking lot in the rear of the hospital. At discharge, you will be transported to the patient pick-up area in the rear of the hospital, near the entrance to The Surgery Center.