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Mother to Fetus or Newborn

A pregnant woman infected with HIV can pass HIV before birth, during birth, or while breast-feeding. If pregnant or planning pregnancy, consider an HIV test. Highly effective treatments exist that can prevent HIV-infected women from transmitting the virus to their infants. For more information on HIV testing and pregnancy, please read HIV Testing and Pregnancy.

Sharing Needles

Needles shared for injecting drugs, medications, vitamins, steroids, tattoos, or piercings can transmit HIV. Do not share needles, syringes, cookers, cottons, or water when injecting drugs or other substances. If you have an accidental needle stick, please seek medical attention immediately.

Blood to Blood Contact

Avoid unnecessary contact with someone else's blood. When providing first aid or medical treatment to anyone, use universal precautions when dealing with blood and other body fluids containing visible blood. (Read more about Universal Precautions for Prevention of Transmission of HIV and Other Bloodborne Infections when providing first aid or health care)

Prevention from HIV-Infection Due to Sexual Intercourse

Practice safer sex - if you are sexually active and not in a mutually monogamous relationship, don't know your sexual partner's HIV or STD status, or are sexually active with someone with known HIV infection, then the correct and consistent use of a latex condom can greatly reduce the risk of HIV and STD transmission.Since about 25 percent of those living with HIV do not know they are infected, you should never assume your partner(s) are negative. Just because they look healthy does not mean they are not infected HIV or another sexually transmitted disease.

 For more information on practicing abstinence, monogamy, safer sex options and HIV-testing, please call 334-528-5692. 

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