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Lactation Services

Breastfeeding Support

East Alabama Health’s Lactation Services offers breastfeeding education prior to the birth of your baby and staff to assist you once your baby arrives and beyond. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine states that breastfeeding is the ideal method of feeding and nurturing infants. Our staff includes RNs who are IBCLCs (Board Certified Lactation Consultants) and RNs specially trained in lactation support.

We will see you once your baby has arrived and each day during your hospital stay. We will assist you with positioning and latching your baby, knowing your baby is getting enough, pumping as needed, and any feeding concerns you may have. Once discharged from hospital we offer outpatient individual consult appointments to do pre/post weight feedings, check for jaundice, or help with other questions or concerns. Our team is also available for phone consultations by call or text. We facilitate a support group on the third floor every Thursday from 12-2 p.m. for you and your little one to drop in for weight checks, pre/post weight feedings, any questions, or to connect with other mothers. We also help with a community support group twice a month in the evenings and a community FB page for mothers to give support to the community at large.

The Lactation Services team is dedicated to the latest evidence-based research in lactation support whether it is direct breastfeeding, exclusively pumping, helping with supply issues, knowing which products can benefit your breastfeeding journey, or being a support system to help you through the first year of parenthood.

Breastfeeding Informational Handouts

Click the link above for a packet of helpful breastfeeding information for new mothers. Feel free to call us at (334) 528-3709 if you have any additional questions.

Breastfeeding Preparation Class

The class is recommended for expectant mothers and their support person if they are thinking about breastfeeding or giving breast milk through pumping. This class teaches the basics of breastfeeding, the importance of breast milk or breastfeeding for your baby, how to position and latch your baby, how your body makes milk, when you need to pump, and much more about how to have a successful breastfeeding journey.

Breastfeeding Support Group

Every Thursday from 12-2 p.m. on the third floor of East Alabama Medical Center, Lactation Services facilitates a Moms’ Support Group in our education classroom. Mothers and babies can come to do a weight check, pre/post weight feeding, ask questions, or get some support from staff and other mothers. There is no registration for this. Unless there is a major holiday, you are welcome to stop in at any time during the 12 - 2 p.m. session.

If you have any questions, need any additional breastfeeding support, or would like to schedule a one-on-one lactation consultation, please reach out to one of our lactation consultants.

Angela Hamby, BSN, RN, IBCLC 
Cell: 334-332-1833 (call or text) 

Cheryl Adams, BSN, RN, IBCLC 
Cell: 334-707-2409 (call or text)