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Sara Pacer

After struggling with a misalignment issue that had altered my running form and caused pain through my lower back and right hip/leg, I went to RehabWorks for physical therapy. We quickly learned that a lot of these injuries were caused by core and gluteal weakness. After years of focusing on only running, I had no idea where to start. My parents researched sports performance options and the feedback from others was tremendous. Determined to get back on the track with a competitive edge, I knew I had to give it a try.

Not only do I run without pain, my form and endurance have improved. I’ve become noticeably stronger all over my body, and I feel so much more powerful pushing through the final mile of my race even as my competitors begin to fade. Not only did Mark help improve my strength, he also boosted my confidence. From the moment I stepped into the gym, the support and encouragement I received was truly incredible. I feel prepared to successfully transition to running at the collegiate level at AU!

I began this program to improve my running but the attention and love that I received really can’t be beat. Mark pushed me to my limits during tough workouts, but he also never failed to check on me before a big race or to stop by to see me while I’m at PT.

Lynn Dickens

Lynn Dickens

My doctor recommended RehabWorks.

In Jan, 2013, I was diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer. After surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, I had neuropathy and balance problems that were restricting my lifestyle and self confidence. After a bad scare on the football stadium steps, I sought help. Tina Hooks was so compassionate and taught me exercises that would benefit me the most. She has a gift for keeping you encouraged that you can succeed and helping you reach your goals. My improvement was quite dramatic and I have continued my therapy on my own. My therapy has been lasting and life changing.

Millie Welch

Millie Welch

RehabWorks was one of the physical therapy options suggested by the Neck and Pain Center. I was having pain in my neck and weakness in my leg. I needed a spinal fusion. I did 4 weeks of pre-operative physical therapy to strengthen my neck and leg. After my surgery, I returned to RehabWorks for 12 weeks physical therapy.

When I started therapy, I was in a neck brace and had significant weakness in my leg. I now have full motion and can easily move my neck with less pain. My legs are also strengthened.

Listen to your therapist and be consistent about doing exercises at home.

My therapist, Beth Kisor, was very encouraging and taught me the right exercises which I continued at home. The RehabWorks staff made me feel welcome. They’re great to work with.

kathy coker

Kathy Coker

I was referred to RehabWorks by others who had used them for therapy with successful results. The nurses at the hospital highly recommended them as well. I heard nothing but great feedback about their staff.

I had total knee replacement surgery on July 3 and I immediately began my therapy. I attended therapy 3 times per week for 12 weeks. If it wasn’t for John Cooper, Josh Smith & Wes, I don’t know if I would have been able to walk properly without pain. They taught me more about my body than I’ve ever known. They explained how important it was to do my “homework.” Due to hard work & encouragement, I returned back to work one month earlier than expected which was great! I’m having my right knee replaced soon and I’ll choose this awesome team again.

anne nelson

Anne Nelson

After I completed my freshman year at AU, I suffered a spinal cord injury which caused paralysis from the waist down. I called numerous physical therapy offices in the community to continue my recovery journey when I returned to AU. I was referred to Tina Hooks because of her out-of-the box thinking and her experience with neuro-physical therapy. Pool therapy with Allen Graham was also suggested as part of my therapy plan.

RehabWorks is the best place for any type of injury. Their expertise has benefitted so many people, including me, in more ways than just physically. Hard work is a major key when it comes to physical recovery. RehabWorks’ staff will be there to reciprocate all the effort you’re willing to contribute and the results from this partnership are astonishing.

My growing knowledge of muscle health and locomotion has influenced me physically and academically. As a pre-nursing major with a minor in dance, I’m continuously applying this knowledge to every aspect of my life.

Kyrylo Kobzyev

Kyrylo Kobzyev

I’ve had problems with stability in my knees for over a year. My doctor referred me to Abby Nielson for physical therapy. Abby suggested that I continue to strengthen my quads by working with Angie Lincoln-Velez in the Sports Performance program.

Approximately 3 months.

I definitely recommend RehabWorks and the Sports Performance program! The trainers are great. They really care about their clients and help them grow stronger.

John Asheton Benefield

John Asheton Benefield

I wanted a program to help me get stronger and faster during the offseason and I knew Coach Mark would help me achieve that.

I have worked with Coach Mark for several years now and I will continue in the future.

The workouts are designed to fit to your specific needs/sport but the results depend on how much effort you give to push yourself.

Workouts with Coach Mark are great and he has helped me become a much better ballplayer.

Minna Waites

Minna Waites

Minna was born seven weeks premature with a congenital heart defect called Total Anomalous Venous Pulmonary Return (TAPVR). This is a rare congenital malformation in which all four pulmonary veins do not connect normally to the left atrium. Instead, the four pulmonary veins drain abnormally to the right atrium (right upper chamber) by way of an abnormal (anomalous) connection.

When Minna was five weeks old, she went into cardiac arrest for nine minutes causing her heart to stop. Oxygen to her brain was cut off which caused a grade 2 stroke on the right side of her brain. The stroke affected the learning center which we were told would cause some delays. It also caused Minna to have seizures, hypothyroidism, acute kidney injury, cortisol deficiency, and a nystagmus in both eyes.

We chose RehabWorks after being referred by a physical therapist at UAB’s Newborn Follow Up Clinic. Minna was previously using early intervention and receiving occupational therapy. We immediately knew RehabWorks was the place for us once we met with Kelly, our physical therapist; Elisa, our occupational therapist and Mary Ann, our speech therapist. They’ve become like family and have made a huge difference in Minna’s life. She is like a new child - socially and physically.

When Minna started with RehabWorks, she was 8 months old and she was unable to do anything other than lay on her back and wiggle around. She was very delayed and had an aversion to people. She was unable to eat by mouth and unable to talk. Minna is now seventeen months old and she’s almost completely caught! She can eat by mouth and is learning to talk. Our therapists took a unique approach by considering her past and customized therapy to fit her needs. They also involved family and created an emotionally-safe environment where she was not threatened. All of this made a vast difference which allowed her to be at ease and to learn successfully. In less than a year, Minna has become comfortable with her therapists and has been able to overcome her delays while steadily improving and catching up.


Wren Arron

I wanted to get stronger so that that I could continue to compete and live an active lifestyle. I wanted to try personal training.

Great results in many areas. I’m stronger and more fit. Working out with Mark has helped me reach several goals including running 55 miles on my 55th birthday. Mark has been an incredible coach/mentor. Mark works not only the physical but the mental and spiritual aspects as well.

Valarie Cook

Valarie Cook

I had 3 strokes between June-July 2016. Dr. Fagan recommended RehabWorks after the 1st stroke which affected my speech. After the 3rd stroke, I had a blood clot and brain bleed on left side that affected memory, ability to speak and read. It required surgery at UAB. After 2 1/2 weeks in neurological intensive care, I was transferred to Regional Rehabilitation Hospital in Phenix City, AL for 2 1/2 weeks for recovery and rehab. After discharge, Regional Rehab agreed that I should continue my rehab at RehabWorks since I already knew and liked my therapist. It's also very convenient to our home.

I began rehab twice a week starting in September, 2016. I still go to therapy once a week. My balance came back pretty quickly. My speech and memory are still improving.

My therapist, Emily Thompson, is great! I’ve had a very positive experience with the whole office. They’re all encouraging and nice. They help keep my spirits up!

Caleb Pipes

Caleb W. Pipes

I had back surgery to remove a tumor wrapped around my spinal cord that was preventing me from walking properly. The surgery left me with a 7-inch incision and 24 staples. Due to a previous back surgery, I carried my right shoulder about one inch lower than my left. Both issues caused me to have problems with my balance. I began my rehab at home. Once the staples were removed, I was able to step up my rehab with Tina Hooks at RehabWorks -Opelika

Continue to do the exercises they give you until you are completely healed.

The entire staff at RehabWorks is very professional and they really know what they’re doing. I went to rehab in Birmingham after my first back surgery and for a bad ankle sprain. Those therapists were good but they don’t compare to the treatment, care and concern shown me by the RehabWorks team.

We are very fortunate to have such skilled and compassionate care in Auburn/Opelika area.

kayla hale

Kayla Hale

In April, 2018, I had an accident causing a deep laceration to my left wrist. I had severe damage to most of the tendons, muscle, nerves, and vessels which caused very minimal movement in my wrist and hand. After surgery, my sister recommended to RehabWorks-Valley.

Definitely choose RehabWorks! They’re amazing and their team will do anything in their power to get you to where you need to be. Follow all of their directions and be persistent about doing your at-home exercises! Whatever your therapy goal might be, remember, patience is key, never give up, and work hard to reach your goal.

Jordan Muschamp

Jordan Muschamp

After taking a year off from college to battle leukemia, I reenrolled at AU and I was referred to RehabWorks by a good family friend who lives in Auburn. I had extensive nerve damage in both of my legs from my treatments that caused the use of leg braces and crutch or cane to help me walk. After spending a few months with my physical therapist, Abby Nielson, I transitioned to the Sports Performance program with Mark Fuller.

I’ve been training with Mark twice a week for 6 months. With the help of my RehabWorks team, I’ve regained a significant amount of strength back. I walk completely without a cane and can even partially walk without the use of the leg braces. I’m much more confident in my abilities to get around. I even have some movement back in parts of my ankles and toes! I owe so much to Abby, Mark and everyone else at RehabWorks Auburn who have worked tirelessly to help me get back to my “normal” self.

Monroe Smith

Monroe Smith

In May 2017, I had a stroke which caused a significant facial droop on my right side. My speech was also damaged. Dr. Eric Hemberg and the staff at EAMC recommended speech therapy.

My facial droop has greatly improved. I can now speak much clearer and can be understood by most people. My speech therapist, Emily Thompson, was very competent, helpful, and professional.

I’m so proud of Monroe and his dedication. He has two notebooks full of research, homework and notes that I gave him. He hasn’t missed a scheduled treatment session since we’ve been working together twice a week for 4 months.

Laurie Bowman

Laurie Bowman

I work for EAMC and I’ve used RehabWorks for rehab after multiple surgeries. Dr. Horak suggested that I try dry needling with Abby.

Amazing results! I’ve loved the results from each physical therapist that I’ve worked with. I’ve lived with tremendous pain for over six years but I rarely have pain now. I’ve had two cervical fusions (C3- T1) and my pain was tremendous, 24/7.I’ve tried trigger point injections, epidurals, spinal block and botox but nothing seemed to help. I was very hesitant about trying dry needling and I thought that I would always live with pain. After just two sessions of dry needling, I felt amazing and had such a positive outlook that I didn't have to live with constant pain any more. I left with a huge smile on my face and said, "I will be a poster girl for dry needling!" I didn't think that Steve Kisor really had taken it to heart and would actually put me on a poster!

Ronald David Tielking

Ronald David Tielking

In November, 2015, I lost my leg due to a blood clot. EAMC referred me to RehabWorks. Ben with Alabama Limb Orthopedics Specialist in Opelika fitted me for my prosthetic leg. He said that Tina Hooks was the best physical therapist for amputees. I started therapy in February, 2016 and I finished in January 2017.

I’ve had fantastic results! I can walk so much better! I was afraid I would never be able to walk again. With Tina’s help, I’m doing things that I thought I never would be able to do again. Tina taught me how to use my prosthetic leg and how to strengthen my leg and hip muscles. I learned how important it is to consistently lift my leg up and continue to strengthen it.

I think the world of Tina. She made my therapy simple. She knows how to push you to the point you need to be but she doesn’t push too much that you’re uncomfortable.


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