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Sleep Studies

Sleep Studies

A sleep study is an overnight test that records your sleep patterns, including the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate, breathing, brain waves, and eye and leg movements in order to help diagnose your sleep condition. These recorded sleep patterns help our sleep physicians identify when and why your sleep is disrupted and what treatment options may be available for your specific condition. 

Sleep conditions and disorders can significantly affect health, alertness and safety. If left untreated, these disorders can sometimes lead to other problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, depression or diabetes. 

If you regularly have any of the below symptoms, talk with your physician about your experiences to help determine if you are a candidate for a sleep study:

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Uncomfortable feelings in your legs that cause you the urge to move for relief
  • Snoring or other breathing problems
  • The inability to function during the day due to lack of sleep
  • Excessive daytime drowsiness or episodes of falling asleep during the day

Overnight sleep studies are conducted at the Sleep Disorders Center of East Alabama inside East Alabama Medical Center. Ask your primary care physician for a referral, or call 334-528-2404 to make an appointment with one of our sleep physicians.