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Education Staff Directory

Education Staff Directory

East Alabama Health Education Center Information & Registration 
(334) 528-1260

Director, Education and Workforce Development 
Jennifer Terry, RN-BC, MSN, ACNS-BC, CCRN 
(334) 528-4195

Manager, Education 
Lauren Brookeshire, RN, BSN, RNC-OB 
(334) 528-1290

Manager, Workforce Development 
Lauren Farris, RN, MSN 
(334) 528-3079

Secretary, Education and Workforce Development 
Cindy Darby 
(334) 528-1260

Clinical Educator I 
Blane Carl, RN, BSN, CCRN 
(334) 528-1285

Clinical Educator II  
Lea Howell, MSN, RN 
(334) 528-3430

Clinical Educator I 
Valerie Kambeitz, RN, BSN 
(334) 528-2425 or (706) 518-9748

Workforce Development Coach and Grants Administrator 
Riley Allen
(334) 528-1181

Clinical Educator II 
Rebekah King, MSN, RN 
(334) 528-2395

Clinical Educator I 
Joe Leos, RN, BSN 
(334) 528-1236

Clinical Educator I 
Peggy Mitchell, BS, BSN, RN, CCRN 
(334) 528-3033

Clinical Educator I 
Chelsea Robinson, RN, BSN, CCRN 
(334) 528-4338

Education Coordinator 
Kimberly Adams, AS, BSBA 
(334) 528-1258

Education Coordinator 
Elaine Thomas, Certificate, Office Management/Supervision 
(334) 528-3038

Training Specialist, Compliance Administrator 
Susan Crain 
(334) 528-1232

Workforce Development Specialist and Student Support Specialist 
Jayme Cook 
(334) 528-1261